Understanding Your Relocation Package

Perhaps you’ve just landed a job with a new company in Calgary. The job is great, but there’s one catch: you live in Ontario, making the cost of moving far too expensive to justify even the amazing new position you’ve been offered. Luckily for you, your new company has included a relocation package in your employment contract, giving you the resources you need to make the big move.

When many people hear that they’ve been given relocation benefits, they imagine that they’ll get a moving truck and perhaps some help in finding a place to live in their new home. But in many cases, your benefits will go far beyond that. Here are a few things to look out for when looking through your relocation package.

Scouting Your New City: If you’re moving to a new city, it helps to know something about the area before you purchase or rent a new home. Without spending time in the city beforehand, it’s difficult to determine what neighborhood is right for you and your family. Some relocation packages offer a paid trip to your new city so that you can look for a new home in person before you decide to move.

Temporary Housing: What happens if you find the home of you dreams, but it won’t be available before you need to move for your job? Sometimes, companies will include an allowance for temporary housing that can be used until you have a more permanent residence to live in.

Premium Moving Services: Depending on what your new employer is willing to splurge for, you might find that you don’t have to do nearly as much work during the moving process as you might have expected. In many cases, you’ll be entitled to utilize packing and unpacking services with the moving company that has been hired. Your employer may also cover the cost of moving one or more of your vehicles to the new city.

Moving Out: While moving to your new home can be costly without help, it’s also true that there are expenses tied to leaving your old home. If you owned a house, many companies are willing to help pay the feels associated with selling that home. If you renter and are required to break a lease in order to move, it’s likely that your employer will cover those costs as well.

In addition to these common benefits, there are numerous miscellaneous extras that a new employer might add in to help make your move a little easier. For instance, they might be able to help with child care during the move, or help your spouse find a job in the new city. If there’s something that would be of particular help to you, don’t be afraid to ask a new employer – they’ll often be willing to help you out to ensure you’ll join them, especially if the request won’t cost them an exorbitant amount of money.